Ayuda en la compra y descarga de la edición digital de Litoral


Antes de realizar la compra de un libro electrónico en LITORAL debe asegurarse de que su ordenador, e-reader, teléfono o tablet pueda leer ebooks con DRM.

Para leer nuestra revista:
en su PC o MAC necesita instalar la aplicación gratuita Adobe Digital Editions
en un iPad/iPhone o un dispositivo Android debera instalar la aplicación gratuita BlueFire Reader (Ipad/Android) o cualquier otra aplicación que permita la lectura de ebooks con DRM.
en otros dispositivos con software específico deberá consultar el manual del mismo para cerciorarse de que puede leer formato DRM.

La descarga de estas aplicaciones se hará una sola vez (no tendrá que hacerlo cada vez que compre un libro).


Para poder leer un ebook con protección DRM, previamente deberá tener una ID de Adobe y registrarse de manera gratuita. Esta ID tendrá que proporcionársela a su dispositivo para poder leer el ebook con DRM

screenshot Adobe ID


Al finalizar la compra online recibirá en su correo electrónico un enlace:

Pulsando sobre dicho enlace, el eBook se almacena en su biblioteca de Adobe Digital Editions o cualquier otro software que permita la lectura de ebooks con DRM. Y se presentarán dos opciones:

Ejecutar, opción para abrir el ebook si ya ha ejecutado los pasos 1 y 2.

Descargar en su ordenador o dispositivo hasta que ejecute los pasos 1 y 2 y por tanto tenga instalado Adobe Digital Editions o cualquier otro software que permita la lectura de ebooks con DRM.


E-READER es un lector digital diseñado exclusivamente para la lectura de los libros electrónicos a través de la tecnología de tinta electrónica (E-Ink) que no causa daño o cansancio a la vista y que permite leer a plena luz solar porque su pantalla no produce reflejos.

TABLET es un dispositivo electrónico con diversas funcionalidades, (videos, correo electrónico, internet, lectura de libros electrónicos, etc.). Como su función principal no es la lectura su pantalla no es de tinta electrónica por lo que, como los ordenadores, su pantalla se retroalimenta con luz posterior y tiene brillos que pueden dificultar la lectura.

EPUB (Electronic publication / Publicación electrónica) es un formato estándar y redimensionable para archivos de eBook creado por International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). El formato de libro digital EPUB se distingue porque su contenido se adapta a los diferentes tamaños de letra y pantalla. Los archivos EPUB terminan con la extensión .epub.

PDF (Portable Document Format / Formato de Documento Portátil) es un formato de almacenamiento de documentos, inicialmente desarrollado por la empresa Adobe Systems y posteriormente ofrecido como un estándar abierto en 2008) asegura una impresión idéntica de un documento sin preocuparse del sistema operativo o navegador que se utilice (formato utilizado por TEA Ediciones para sus libros electrónicos).

DRM (Digital Rights Management) es un sistema de seguridad aplicado a música, películas, libros, etc. para su comercialización. El DRM protege el archivo incrustándole unas reglas de uso definidas por el editor: número de dispositivos donde se puede descargar y leer el contenido, posibilidad o no de imprimir / copiar el contenido, indicación de si el contenido tiene o no caducidad, etc. (sistema de protección utilizado por TEA Ediciones para sus libros electrónicos).

ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS, gratuito y muy fácil de instalar, es una solución centrada y ligera (4 MB de descarga en Windows). Amplía las funciones de los libros electrónicos integrados en versiones anteriores de Reader y Acrobat y proporciona una interfaz de usuario fácil para el consumidor, simplificada y centrada en el contenido. Se distribuye como una RIA (Rich Internet Applications/Aplicaciones de Internet Enriquecidas basada en la Web, lo que ayuda a garantizar que los usuarios siempre disponen de la versión más actual del software. (incluir link de descarga) necesario para descargarse los libros de TEA Ediciones en el ordenador

BLUEFIRE,es una aplicación gratuita que permite la lectura de libros electrónicos en formatos pdf y epub para el iPAD, iPHONE y dispositivos Android. Bluefire cuenta con soporte para Adobe DRM.


Fabricante Nombre del dispositivo Aplicación o dispositivo móvil
Acer LumiRead 600 Dedicated reading device with WiFi/3G
Acer Lumi Read on A500/A501/A100/A101
Acer Lumi Read on A100/A101, A501/A500, G100 and TP-A60, S300
Alcatel-Lucent Book Shelf iOS application
Alcatel-Lucent Book Shelf Android application
Aldiko Limited Aldiko Book Reader Mobile Device software eBook reader for Android
Aldiko Limited BOL.IT android app Android app
Aluratek Aluratek eBook Reader Pro “Libre” Dedicated reading device, tethered
Anuncios en Directorios S.A. de C.V. eReader iOS Application
Archos ARCHOS 70 eReader 7” color screen eReader
Archos ARCHOS 70b eReader 7” color touch screen, Internet connected, Android-based eReader
Archos ARCHOS 70c eReader 7” color touch screen, Internet connected, Android-based eReader
Archos Ebook ARCHOS AN84E Device Level eBook Reader firmware
Arnoldo Mondadori editore S.p.A. Bol.it Android application
ARNOVA ARNOVA 7e G2 Dual Touch 7” multitouch colorscreen, Internet connected, Android 2.3-based eReader
ATRIBOO Technologia Ltda. Tribooks Android application
Axdia International GmbH ODYS BOOX Ebook reader with 7” color TFT display
Axdia International GmbH ODYS SCALA 7″ reader
Axdia International GmbH ODYS GENESIS
Axdia International GmbH ODYS LEON Ebook reader with 9” colour TFT display
Barnes & Noble Nook Dedicated reading device with WiFi and 3G wireless
Barnes & Noble NookCOLOR
Barnes & Noble Nook Touch eInk Reading device
BeamItDown Software LLC iFlow Reader iPhone / iPad application
Bertelsmenn iOS app iOS
Bluefire Productions Bluefire Reader
Bluefire Productions Bluefire Reader Android
Bluefire Productions Bluefire Reader iOS iOS app
Bokus Dito Android Application
Bokus Dito iOS Application
Bookeen Cybook Gen3
Bookeen Cybook Opus
Datalogics Inc. DL Reader for Android Android Application
Datalogics Inc. DL Reader for iOS iOS application
Datalogics Inc. DL Reader for Windows Windows desktop application
Delstar W850/W851 Dedicated reading device
DICRA SPA EB6100EK 6” e-ink eBook Reader
DICRA SPA EB7001TFT 7” TFT eBook Reader
DigiBooks4All MyeBooks Android Android application
DigiBooks4All MyeBooks iOS iOS application
Distribuidora Digital de Libros S.A Libranda eBook Reader Android
DMC Worldwide Copia iPad software eBook reader iPad application
DMC Worldwide Copia Desktop software eBook reader desktop application
DMC Worldwide Copia iPad application
ebrary ebrary iOS application
Editora Abril ELCO- reader iOS
Editora Abril iba reader PC PC Desktop eBook reader
Editora Abril S.A. XeriphLibrary Windows Desktop Reading Application
Editora Abril S.A. XeriphLibrary Android Application
Editora Abril S.A. XeriphLibrary Application for iOS
Elonex 500EB – TFT eBook
Elonex 511EB – eInk eBook
Elonex 621EB – eInk eBook
Elonex 700EB – TFT eBook
enTourage systems, Inc. enTourage Pocket eDGe 6” Reader/7” Tablet Hybrid
enTourage systems, Inc. enTourage eDGe 2.0 Dualbook. A two screen hybrid of a large format e-reader and a connected tablet computer with WiFi
Epagine Publications numeriques Android ePagine Reader Android app
FNAC Fnac iPad App
Gajah International Pte Ltd Oaxis Color Ebook Reader bk-7001 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Gajah International Pte Ltd Oaxis Color Ebook Reader 7005
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK6001M
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK6008- 6″ digital ink eBook Reader
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK6011- 6″ digital ink eBook Reader
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK6021A 6 inch ebook reader with wifi
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK6024L 6 inch ebook reader with wifi
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK7021 9 inch color screen ereader
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK7026 7 inch color screen ereader
Gajah International Pte Ltd BK9002 9 inch color screen ereader
Group Sense Limited wolder miBuk Dedicated reading device
Group Sense Limited jetBook Dedicated reading device
Group Sense Limited jetBook-Lite 5″ reader
Group Sense Limited Libra Air Reading Device
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd Hanvon WISEreader N516 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd Hanvon WISEreader N518 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd Hanvon WISEreader N520 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd Hanvon WISEreader N526 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd jetBook K-12 Educational eBook System for K-12 students, tethered device
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd WISEreader N610
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd Hanvon WISEreader N618 Dedicated reading device with WiFi
Hanwang Technology Co., Ltd WISEreader B630
Hewlett-Packard ePrint Home & Biz 1.0 Symbian app
Hewlett-Packard eStation Zeen Device level eBook Reader with WiFi
Hewlett-Packard iPrint Photo android app
HMV Group PLC aNobii Reader iOS app
HTC Flyer Tablet
ICARUS Reader ICARUS Go 6” e-ink eBook Reader
ICARUS Reader ICARUS Sense 6” Sipix eBook Reader with touch and Wifi
ICARUS Reader ICARUS Sense G2 6” e-ink eBook Reader with touch and Wifi
ICARUS Reader ICARUS Omnia 7” TFT eBook Reader
iLife Technology (HK) Limited eBook Reader B701/B702/B706/B707/B806/B807 eBook Reading device
iLife Technology (HK) Limited eBook Reader F2/F4/F5/F12/F15 eBook Reading device
Impelsys Inc. Bookshelf as an app iOS application
IREX Technologies Digital Reader 800SG
IREX Technologies Digital Reader 800 Dedicated reading device with 3G wireless
IREX Technologies Digital Reader 1000 Dedicated reading device, tethered
iRiver Ltd iRiver Cover Story 6” e-reader device with wi-fi
iRiver Ltd iRiver Story HD 6” hi-res (768×1024) e-reader device with wi-fi
Jingwah Digital International Limited eBook Reader B4302 eBook Reader 4.3 inch 16.9 TFT display
Jinke Hanlin V3 Dedicated reading device
Jinke Hanlin V5 Dedicated reading device
Jinke Hanlin V60 Dedicated reading device with WiFi
KDDI Corporation Biblio Leaf
Kesa IT WORKS TM700 Dedicated reading device, tethered
KIBANO R1 digireader
Kibano/Menca Menca iOS application
Kibano/Menca Menca Android application
Kobo Inc. Kobo eBooks iOS app
Kobo Inc. Kobo eReader N416 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Kobo Inc. Literati Wireless Reader Dedicated reading device with wifi
Kobo Inc. Kobo Desktop for Windows Windows Desktop Application
Kobo Inc. Kobo Touch Reading device eInk
Kobo Inc. iOS app iOS app
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd AudioSonic 7″ Slim TFT ereader, Black (ASEET001K)
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd Barbie 5” eBook Reader
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd Levision 7″ Slim TFT ereader, Black (LEET071K)
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE100
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE101
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE102
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE103
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE110
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE112
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd MiGear e-Book Reader BSTE113
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd Gear 2 Go 7″ eBook Reader Pink/Black/White
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd Gear2Go 7″ Slim eReader with Acc Pack, Black (GEET720K)
KreativeDNA Pty Ltd Estelle Design 7″ eBook Reader
Lamaro d.o.o TookBook Android app
Libranda Libranda eBook Reader iOS app
Libri.de Internet GmbH ebook.de Reader Android application
Libri.de Internet GmbH eBook.de Reader Windows 8 App Windows 8 and Windows RT application for comfortable eBook reading, library management and browsing the integrated eBook.de shop
Mantano Mantano Reader Android application
Mantano SAS “Mantano Reader” iOS application User friendly advanced ebook reader offering comprehensive features to organize and index the library, read, annotate, and listen to any book, EPUB and PDF.
MIH Internet Africa KReader
MIH Internet Africa KReader for iOS
MIH Internet Africa Kalahari.net Android Reader Android application
Mobile Systems OfficeSuite Desktop Reading Application
Mobile Systems UB Reader (Android application) Integrates an eBook reader, eBook Catalog and Shop in one compact application. Enjoy comfortable reading experience and a catalog of over 650,000 eBooks to choose from.
mySpark Technologies Inc. mySpark Educational Platform Android application
Neolux Co., Ltd. NUUT3 Dedicated reading device with WiFi
Neolux Corporation NUUT2
NeoSoar Inc. NeoSoar eBooks for Windows Windows application
NeoSoar Inc. NeoSoar eBooks for iPad iOS application
NeoSoar Inc. NeoSoar eBooks for Android Android application
Netlogic KENDO M7
Netlogic KENDO M5
Netlogic LL 7CK100
Netlogic Lumatron M-7
Netronix EB600 (Ebook2440 BLK)
Netronix Cool-er
Netronix E60622 Dedicated reading device
Netronix E60M00 Dedicated reading device
Netronix 6″ EBOOK READER SERIES Dedicated reading device, tethered
Netronix 5″ EBOOK READER SERIES Dedicated reading device, tethered
Numilog.com Numilog Reader iPod/iPhone application
Numilog.com Numilog Reader iPad application
Onyx Boox A600 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital 6″ Personal eReader Mobile Device eBook Reader
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital 6″ Tablet eReader 2011 Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablet
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital Novel Mobile Device eBook Reader
Pandigital Inc. Multimedia Novel 7″ ANDROID Multimedia Tablet & Color eReader Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablete
Pandigital Inc. 9” Pandigital Novel ANDROIDTM Multimedia Tablet & Color eReader Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablet
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital Planet Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablet
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital Star Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablet
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital Nova Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablet
Pandigital Inc. Pandigital SuperStar Mobile Device eBook reader & Tablet
Pipo Technology Co Ltd W967
Pipo Technology Co Ltd W950
Pipo Technology Co Ltd W951
Pipo Technology Co Ltd W965
Pipo Technology Co Ltd EB71
Plastic Logic, Inc. QUE proReader Dedicated reading device with WiFi/3G
Plastic Logic, Inc. Plastic Logic 100 PLR-003 10.5” Dedicated eInk Reading Device
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Quick, customizable and user-friendly eBook reader software for Android providing TTS, annotations & multiple book format support
PocketBook International SA PocketBook 301 6″ compact, easy to use e-reader
PocketBook International SA PocketBook 360 Most popular 5″ compact E-Ink display reader on CIS market, with wi-fi, fits in pocket
PocketBook International SA PocketBook 360 Plus Pocket-size 5″ E-ink display e-reader w/ Wi-Fi & powerful processor on board. Upgrade to PocketBook 360.
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Basic 613 6″ E-ink display e-reader with a compact, lightweight & modern design
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Pro 602 6″ E-ink display e-reader w/ Wi-Fi & Bluetooth capabilities
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Pro 603 6″ E-ink display e-reader w/ touch screen, 3G, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth capabilities
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Basic 611 6″ E-ink display Wi-Fi enabled e-reader with a compact, lightweight & modern design
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Pro 902 9.7″ E-ink display e-reader w/ Wi-Fi & Bluetooth capabilities
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Pro 903 9.7″ E-ink display e-reader, w/ touch screen,3G, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth capabilities
PocketBook International SA PocketBook Reader Customize your reading experience by adjusting text size, layouts, colors and many other options. Read, search, make notes and highlight in PDF, EPUB, DjVu, TXT, FB2, and FB2.zip books formats.
PositivoInformatica PositivoConecta- Desktop
Prestigio eReader Prestigio Android mobile device software eBook reader
Pubbles GmbH & Co. KG Pubbles Kiosk App Reader application for Android tablet
Qisda Corporation Smart Reader E600 Dedicated reading device with WiFi
Quality and Reliability SA MyeBooks Android Android Application
Quality and Reliability SA MyeBooks iOS iOS Application
Riidr ApS Riidr books Android application
Riidr ApS Riidr iOS application iOS application
Samsung Electronics co. LTD Android eReader for Galaxy Tab 10.1
Samsung Electronics co. LTD Android eReader for Galaxy Tab 8.9
Samsung Electronics co. LTD E-reader E60 Dedicated reading device with WiFi
Samsung Electronics co. LTD E-reader E65 Dedicated reading device with WiFi
Samsung Electronics co. LTD eBook Reader on Galaxy Tab Android
Shaghal Ltd. EB101 7″ e-book reader with 4GB Built-in flash
Shaghal Ltd. Ematic EB104
Shaghal Ltd. Ematic EBW204B (Black)
Shaghal Ltd. Ematic EBW204P (Pink)
Shaghal Ltd. Ematic EBW404B (Black)
Shenzhen Shenchuang Electronics Co. LTD eBook V865 Portable EBook reader with 6″ E-Ink touch screen
Shenzhen Skyworld Technology TFT eReader T702
Sony Electronics Inc. PRS-900 Reader Daily Edition Dedicated reading device with 3G wireless
Sony Electronics Inc. PRS-500 Dedicated reading device, tethered
Sony Electronics Inc. PRS-T1 Digital Reader device with WiFi
Sony Electronics Inc. Reader App Reader application for Android
Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Reader Daily edition PRS-950 Dedicated Reading Device
Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Reader Library 3.1 Desktop application
Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Reader Library 3.2 Desktop application
Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Reader Library 3.3 Desktop application
Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Reader Packet edition PRS-350 Dedicated reading device
Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Reader Touch edition PRS-650 Dedicated reading device
Spring Design Inc. Alex eReader DS-10, 11 6″ EPD and 3.5″ LCD
Subtext LLC Subtext iOS app
Telecom Italia Biblet for iPad iPad application
Telecom Italia Biblet for PC Desktop software eBook reader for Windows
Telecom Italia Biblet Android application
Thalia / textunes GmbH oyo-android Android application
Tianjin Jinke Electronics System Co., ltd. Hanlin V61 Digital Reader device
Tianjin Jinke Electronics System Co., ltd. Hanlin V90 Digital Reader device w/ WiFi
Tivolli Ltd IMAGIN IMEB5 5″ color screen reader
TOP JOY International Development Group Ltd. E-Book Reader D06 6 inch E-INK ebook reader
TOP JOY International Development Group Ltd. E-Book Reader D06FL 6 inch E-link E-Book reader
TOP JOY International Development Group Ltd. E-Book Reader D26 6 inch E-link E-Book reader
TOP JOY International Development Group Ltd. eBook Reader D29 4.3 inch E-link E-book Reader
TOSHIBA Europe GmbH JOURNE TOUCH Tablet with software eReader with WiFi
TrekStor eBook Reader Pyrus 6″ digital ink eBook Reader
TrekStor eBook Reader 3.0 7″ color TFT screen eBook Reader
TrekStor eBook Player 7 7″ color TFT screen eBook Reader
TrekStor eBook Player 7M 7″ color TFT screen eBook Reader
TrekStor eBook Player 5 5″ color TFT screen eBook Reader
TrekStor eBook Player 5M 5″ color TFT screen eBook Reader
TSH Corporation Limited, Singapore Ebook Reader EB-10 Dedicated reading device
TSH Corporation Limited, Singapore Ebook Reader EB-60 Dedicated reading device
txtr GmbH txtr iPhone Application iPhone application
txtr GmbH txtr Android Phone Application Android phone application
txtr GmbH txtr iPhone Application version 3.0 iPhone application
txtr GmbH Txtr PC and Mac Application 3.2
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K4 5″ color screen reader
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K7 7″ color screen reader with TV-out
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K7M eReader device
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K8
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K9
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K10
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K20
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K25
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K26 eReader device
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K30
VEDIA HK Ltd. VEDIA eReader K40
VI-DA Global S.A BajaLibros iOS application
Xeriph Hospedegem de Dados LTDA Gato Sabido Android app
Yifang Digital (Hong Kong) Company Limited Next2 7″ touch screen
Yifang Digital (Hong Kong) Company Limited EBOOK XB601RM
YITOA E-book reader EB606 Device Level ebook reader using electrophoretic ink display
YITOA E-book reader EB615 Device Level ebook reader using electrophoretic ink display
YITOA E-book reader EC601 An e-book reader using electrophoretic ink display technology
YITOA E-book reader S7018 Device Level ebook reader using TFT display
YITOA E-book reader S7020 An e-book reader using TFT display
YITOA E-book reader S7023 E-book reader using TFT display